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Welcome to the
Northeastern Wisconsin

Downtown Green Bay

Experience the difference

Founded in 1990, and formerly known as the Fox River Valley Chapter, the Northeastern Wisconsin Chapter supports its construction financial professionals and partners serving the industry. Our promise is simple: provide engaging content, education, and networking opportunities to our members so they can continue to thrive professionally and personally - period.

Membership Information

Whether you've just discovered CFMA, have attended previous events as a guest, or need more information - this is a great place to start!

Learn More about CFMA Memberships


Our chapter provides monthly meeting, complete with educational and networking opportunities to connect with fellow members and peers throughout the year. 

Explore Upcoming Events

Connection Cafe

 Click on the link below to view local chapter resources and documents.

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Our Officers

To edit your team members, go to the manage team members page.

Andrew Dilling
Baker Tilly

Vice President
Dean Basten
Miron Construction

John Ernst
Murphy Concrete & Construction (MCC)

Hope Voigt
Tweet-Garot Mechanical, Inc.

Sam Gabrilska
Appleton Lathing Corporation

Pam Talavera
Consolidated Construction Co. Inc.

Associate Director
Jared Heimerl

Associate Director
Eric Lehmann
McClone Insurance

CFMA's Principal Partners

Our Local Member Companies

We appreciate your support!